When You Ask for Money, You're Doing the Donor a Favor
When you ask for money, you are doing the donor a favor, not the other way around.
It is very common for people to cringe when asked to raise money from others. The act of asking for money brings up discomfort and anxiety. There are two big reasons for this: 1) the asker doesn’t want to impose a burden, and 2) the asker thinks they are asking for a favor. This is rubbish, and we need to eliminate this way of thinking.
When you ask someone for money in order to improve the world, you are inviting them to do something in their own self-interest. Of course, the person you are asking wants a better environment, fair treatment for others, and a stronger community. You should start from the assumption that people are not evil monsters and actually want a better world. Once you admit that, your posture can change. You can become more confident.
Think, “a better world is around the corner, and for XXX dollars, it can be attained. Won’t you join us in that pursuit?” When your posture isn’t one of begging or asking for a favor, it flips the script to: “I am offering you a chance to make a difference. There are 'donors' and 'do-ers.' Which one would you like to be?”
In reality, you are doing them a favor by inviting them to the cause.
“The number one reason people don’t donate is that they weren’t asked.”
No one wants to be left out of an opportunity. Don’t deny them the choice. Ask! We assume it is an intrusion. It is not. A cold call for money while someone is having dinner, IS an intrusion, but two people who know each other have a different dynamic.
If anything, people feel bad that they can’t give. They don’t feel bad about being asked. 90% of the time, rejection happens because people are busy or have already given. It is NOT because they don’t want to give.
So…when you want to raise money for a cause or a candidate - Ask, and ye shall receive.